We began supporting the child protection project Bethanien Kinder- und Jugenddorf, (Bethanien village for children and adolescents) in Eltville-Erbach, in 2015.The village offers a home to about 100 children and adolescents who, for various reasons, are no longer able to live with their birth families.
We finance a music project for the children which enables them to have ongoing music lessons. Children love music and this project also helps them gain in self-confidence. What is more, the choir and orchestra give them a shared feeling of success and reinforces their sense of community.
The support association „Kinderzukunft Fördern e.V.“ is deeply committed to the children and adolescents (about 340 in total) , who live in the three Bethanien Kinderdörfer in Eltville-Erbach, Schwalmtal-Waldniel and Bergisch Gladbach-Refrath. For around 60 years, the villages have been providing new homes to boys and girls from families where they experienced neglect, violence or drugs. In these villages, the children live in a stable, family-like environment that gives them the stability they need to move on and lead happy and independent lives in our society.
Russia’s war against Ukraine leaves us stunned and also asks us what we can do. The Ukrainian people whose livelihoods are threatened or who are fleeing urgently need help. That is why the companies and associations of cooperative organisations have joined together in a broad alliance to provide financial support to the German Red Cross (DRK). We are also part of this alliance and want to send a signal of solidarity with the Ukrainian population with our support.
Instead of wine, we have a lottery this year: For Christmas 2022, we will give our business partners an annual Aktion Mensch lottery ticket. In this way, we support the social participation of disadvantaged people.
Aktion Mensch is committed to a barrier-free society in which diversity is a matter of course. The focus is on a self-determined life for people with disabilities and equal opportunities for children and young people. The projects we support are closely related to our commitment to the Bethanien Children’s Village. (more see here).
Managing Director
Managing Director
+49 69 710 476 – 115
Managing Director
Managing Director
+49 69 710 476 – 113
Vom Hauptbahnhof Münster/mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln:
Mit dem Taxi benötigen Sie etwa 10 Minuten.
Mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln gibt es vom Hauptbahnhof mehrere Buslinien. Sie nehmen entweder die Buslinie 7 Richtung Kriegerweg, die Linie 15 Richtung Albachten oder die Linie 16 Richtung Mecklenbeck. Die Ziel-Bushaltestelle heißt in jedem Fall “DZ HYP/IHK”. Von hier überqueren Sie die Weseler Straße und finden schräg gegenüber den Sentmaringer Weg. Gleich im zweiten Haus auf der linken Seite (Hausnummer 21) finden Sie die VR Equitypartner GmbH.
Mit dem Auto:
Von der A1 und A43 kommend, fahren Sie am Autobahnkreuz Münster-Süd auf der B51 und später auf der B219 (Weseler Straße) Richtung Münster-Innenstadt. Nach der zweiten großen Kreuzung biegen Sie nach knapp 400 m rechts in den Sentmaringer Weg. Die VR Equitypartner GmbH finden Sie auf der linken Seite.
VR Equitypartner GmbH
Platz der Republik
60265 Frankfurt am Main
Cityhaus I
Platz der Republik 6
Entrance via Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage
From Frankfurt Airport:
Take the A5 towards Frankfurt to Westkreuz Frankfurt. Follow signs towards Frankfurter Westkreuz and Messe. From there, drive into Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage and follow the arrows on the map.
Parking is available in the public car park “Westend” in Savignystraße.
On request, we are happy to reserve one of our visitor parking spaces in Cityhaus I for you.
The entrance is in Erlenstraße.
With public transport:
Take S-Bahn line S8 or S9 (towards Frankfurt Hbf., Offenbach or Hanau) and you will arrive directly at the main station (Hauptbahnhof).
U-Bahn line U4 or U5 – Station Frankfurt(Main) Hbf.
It then takes around 5 minutes on foot from the station to VR Equitypartner.
Tram lines 11, 16, 17, 21 – Platz der Republik stop.
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