Ostertag DeTeWe GmbH
Die Ostertag DeTeWe GmbH ist Marktführer für ITK-Lösungen und Systemintegration in Deutschland. Das Unternehmen plant, realisiert und betreibt strategisch relevante Telekommunikationslösungen für seine Kunden. Seit
Does your company have the potential for “more”? How easily you can grow your company depends not least on the availability of capital. If you rely on debt, you will quickly reach your limits. Equity and mezzanine financing, on the other hand, make it easier and faster to implement investment plans for internationalization or new production opportunities.
Home | your targets | Growth and internationalization
We will work with you to develop a tailor-made financing solution that suits you and your growth objectives – whether mezzanine financing, a minority shareholding or the acquisition of a majority shareholding.
Day-to-day business is and will continue to be your domain – but we can support you in all strategic matters, drawing on our 50 years’ experience investing in medium-sized companies.
Learning from others: Our current portfolio of some 100 investments stands us in good stead to offer solutions to all manner of entrepreneurial issues. No matter what your questions – from HR to marketing or controlling – you can benefit from our network of experts and from exclusive offers from third parties.
Are you convinced that your products and services would be successful in foreign markets? Or do you think that your business model lends itself to expanding your value chain? In short: You have no shortage of ideas to grow your business further – you just lack the necessary capital?
Breaking into a new market or setting up a new production facility is usually a lengthy process and requires substantial investment. Established debt financing instruments are rarely adequate. Too short-term, the conditions too rigid – and sometimes just not an option because the total investment cost of the project is too high. Some lenders can also be put off by the uncertainty involved in a long-term investment – especially if the plan is to break new ground.
But do not let this slow you down in your growth plans. With equity capital (via a majority or minority shareholding) or mezzanine financing, you can also finance long-term investments. However, there are a number of aspects to consider. Basically, both instruments strengthen your equity base – which in turn can open up new options for you in terms of debt financing.
The benefit here lies in the flexibility – mezzanine financing, for example, can be tailored exactly to your needs. Supposing, for example, that establishing yourself in a new market promises to be very lucrative but that it will take several years before sales revenues can be generated. In a situation like this, your mezzanine financing needs to be structured so that any repayment is deferred to the end of the term.
If you want to make big changes to your service offering – for example, by adding a completely new product category – the business planning can also be difficult. If it is not at all clear when and to what extent the investment will generate a positive cash flow, then it is advisable to partner with an equity investor – for example, via a minority shareholding. The equity investor carries the same risks as you do.
When considering partnering with equity or mezzanine investors in order to finance growth plans or plans to internationalize, you may want to pay particular attention to the following:
The financial flexibility of the equity investor with regards to the holding period of their investment, and their ability to provide further capital if necessary – and, with mezzanine investors, the flexibility of their terms and conditions and whether they allow for possible deviations from the plan.
Experience, know-how and a strong network – so that your financing partner can give you constructive feedback on your investment plans and, if necessary, use entrepreneurial input to maximum your investment’s chances of success.
VR Equitypartner unterstützt mittelständische Unternehmen mit maßgeschneiderten Finanzierungslösungen. Sehen Sie Beispiele unserer aktuellen und früheren Beteiligungen.
Die Ostertag DeTeWe GmbH ist Marktführer für ITK-Lösungen und Systemintegration in Deutschland. Das Unternehmen plant, realisiert und betreibt strategisch relevante Telekommunikationslösungen für seine Kunden. Seit
Die DITTRICH + Co GmbH aus Schwabmünchen in der Nähe von Augsburg ist ein familiengeführter Spezialist für technisch anspruchsvolle Kunststoffspritzgussteile mit knapp 100 Mitarbeitern, der
Managing Director
Managing Director
+49 69 710 476 – 115
Managing Director
Managing Director
+49 69 710 476 – 113
Vom Hauptbahnhof Münster/mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln:
Mit dem Taxi benötigen Sie etwa 10 Minuten.
Mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln gibt es vom Hauptbahnhof mehrere Buslinien. Sie nehmen entweder die Buslinie 7 Richtung Kriegerweg, die Linie 15 Richtung Albachten oder die Linie 16 Richtung Mecklenbeck. Die Ziel-Bushaltestelle heißt in jedem Fall “DZ HYP/IHK”. Von hier überqueren Sie die Weseler Straße und finden schräg gegenüber den Sentmaringer Weg. Gleich im zweiten Haus auf der linken Seite (Hausnummer 21) finden Sie die VR Equitypartner GmbH.
Mit dem Auto:
Von der A1 und A43 kommend, fahren Sie am Autobahnkreuz Münster-Süd auf der B51 und später auf der B219 (Weseler Straße) Richtung Münster-Innenstadt. Nach der zweiten großen Kreuzung biegen Sie nach knapp 400 m rechts in den Sentmaringer Weg. Die VR Equitypartner GmbH finden Sie auf der linken Seite.
VR Equitypartner GmbH
Platz der Republik
60265 Frankfurt am Main
Cityhaus I
Platz der Republik 6
Entrance via Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage
From Frankfurt Airport:
Take the A5 towards Frankfurt to Westkreuz Frankfurt. Follow signs towards Frankfurter Westkreuz and Messe. From there, drive into Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage and follow the arrows on the map.
Parking is available in the public car park “Westend” in Savignystraße.
On request, we are happy to reserve one of our visitor parking spaces in Cityhaus I for you.
The entrance is in Erlenstraße.
With public transport:
Take S-Bahn line S8 or S9 (towards Frankfurt Hbf., Offenbach or Hanau) and you will arrive directly at the main station (Hauptbahnhof).
U-Bahn line U4 or U5 – Station Frankfurt(Main) Hbf.
It then takes around 5 minutes on foot from the station to VR Equitypartner.
Tram lines 11, 16, 17, 21 – Platz der Republik stop.
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